Today marks the beginning of the fifth month.
If you don't want to know the sex of the baby, look away now! It's a boy!!!!!!! (Julie's acupuncturist was right.) So the Bean should probably now be called Mr Bean. Or Heinz.
We had our second appointment at the Silver Star unit today, and we got excellent care again. The consultant happens to be young, female and good-looking, so the Bean did not waste the opportunity to wave his private parts in her general direction. Like father, like son.
In the top photo, the Bean is partly looking away from the camera, and we think that's an arm on the right. In the bottom photo he's facing down, and he has one hand in front of his face. You can clearly see his spine and the thickness of his skull. His movements look much more definite and intentional now, rather than jerky.
Parental development:
Julie has had indigestion three days running. Hardly surprising because her first thought when she saw herself in the mirror this morning was that she had indeed eaten all the pies.
Ian: "That's my boy!"