The Bean had another scan yesterday, and he looked cuter than ever. In the top picture he is looking upwards with the top of his head on the left. You can very clearly see his profile, and Julie thinks he looks a little bit like his daddy!
In the bottom picture he is looking directly towards the "camera" with his head at the top. Julie loves this picture because with his head slightly tilted to one side and his eyes closed, he looks really relaxed. You can clearly see his cupid's bow, and again Julie thinks this looks like his daddy. At 34 weeks, the Bean now weighs about 4.5 pounds (approx 2000g) and he is still very active.
Parental development:
Julie had to spend a day or so in hospital enjoying the National Health Service's very best hospitality. It was just for observation, and everything was fine.
Ian enjoys feeling the Bean kick, and playing tunes to him, but he can't quite believe that he'll be here in a month or so.