Earlier this week Julie had a scan, but it's all far too cramped down there now to produce a useable portrait of the Bean. So we thought we'd do some more Bump porn instead. The scan was fine and the Bean now weighs over 7lb. His head is engaged and all of the books say that the baby will start to be less active now. The Bean doesn't appear to have read these books and still dances the fandango on a regular basis.
Parental development:
Just compare the photo with the one from 15th November! Julie now waddles - the bump goes straight ahead and the rest of her sways from side to side behind. Amazingly Julie has still put on less than a stone (14lbs for US friends) during the entire pregnancy, despite enjoying her food. Unfortunately about half of this weight gain seems to be round her ankles.
Ian has fitted both the car seat bases, prepared the cot, assembled the changing station, experimented with the TENS machine, admired the dinky little re-usable nappies (diapers), learnt how to use the steam steriliser and he STILL can't quite believe it's happening.