Tuesday 14th July - the second scan
The nurse finds a heartbeat and shows us a picture of a baked bean. We also hear the heartbeat. The Bean is 3.5 mm long at this stage and we can't tell yet which college it's going to go to (but it'll probably be St Hugh's and St Cross anyway).
When the nurse is out of the room speaking to the doctor we hold each other very tight for a very long time. This is the best birthday present ever.
In these two pictures the black blob is again the amniotic fluid, and the little white bean inside is The Baked Bean.
Parental development: Now it's all about dairy products; Julie buys things which haven't seen the inside of her fridge in years - fromage frais, creme fraiche, paneer, goat's milk, halloumi, mozzarella, as well as evaporated milk straight out of the tin and sterilised cream in tins. Banana smoothies still a daily special. Ian still can't quite believe it.
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