Yesterday we had our first appointment with the Silver Star ante-natal unit. The Bean posed for photos and now measures 8.5cm from bonce to bum. In the top photo the baby's head is on the right, looking upwards and you can see the face in profile. There's a lot less room in there now but the Bean still threw some impressive shapes.
Julie cried again, but probably because her bladder was so full (for the scan) her eyes were leaking.
Parental development:
Julie has discovered Booja Booja Stuff in a Tub, which is non-dairy ice cream (but they're not allowed to call it ice cream because it's got no dairy in it). It's free of refined sugar but contains a lot of fructose from agave syrup. Agave is a plant so surely this counts towards your five-a-day?
Ian has been drinking the banana smoothies every day as Julie has been too busy eating Booja Booja.
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